When roguish Prince Jadon of Îles de la Rêverie is left in America to clean up his image after a horribly public break-up gone viral, romance is not on the table. Carefully planned photo ops with puppies? Yes. Scheduled appearances with the Santa Monica elite? Absolutely. Rendezvous with a pink-haired, film-obsessed hottie from the private school where he's currently enrolled? Uhhhh... Together with his entourage--a bitingly witty royal guard, Rêverie's future queen (and Jadon's brilliant older sister), and a quirky royal liaison--Jadon's on a mission to turn things around and show his parents, and his country, that he's more than just a royal screw-up. If he doesn't prove that he's the prince Rêverie deserves? Well, he may not be allowed home... But falling for a not-so-royal American boy has Jadon redefining what it means to be a leader. If he can be someone's Prince Charming just by being himself, maybe that's all it takes to win over a nation. Or at least a prince can dream...