Sam Walton Chairman, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Covey's philosophy for creating more meaningful relationships and successes in the workplace is one we should be striving to implement throughout business and industry, in the home and elsewhere, if we expect to be rewarded with happiness and a fulfilling future. I truly believe that the values he stresses in Principle-Centered Leadership are fundamental to developing a total quality environment.
Catherine Crier CNN News Anchor The world is in dire need of a paradigm shift in attitudes and values. Stephen Covey gives us the blueprint with which to create a better personal, business, and political environment and produce this fundamental change. All we need do -- is act!
Thomas R. Horton Chairman, American Management Association As if Covey's first book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, was not enough, his new book Principle-Centered Leadership is a real tour de force.
Phyllis J. Dudenhoffer International President, General Federation of Women's Clubs Principle-Centered Leadership gave me new insights into working with and for our volunteers. The ideas are basic, yet as we go through our life's work we sometimes overlook the simple basic truth. This book inspires me to build a better life.
Joshua Hammond President, American Quality Foundation We consider Stephen R. Covey to be one of the five most important contributors to shaping America's next level of thinking in quality.
Willard Jule Total Quality Manager, Westinghouse While the works of Deming and Juran have had a big impact on total quality, they give merely the pieces -- the 'things' part; Covey brings the 'people' part -- the glue that holds the pieces together -- that goes way beyond the 'things' and creates an exponential impact by empowering people.