Before you choose a treatment strategy, you need to know whether you're facing sheep or wolves -- and where they all are.
Murray Wadsworth was a fit and enthusiastic weekend triathlete who included regular checkups and annual screenings for prostate cancer in his overall health and wellness plan. At age forty-seven, though, he was caught off guard by a prostate cancer scare after a routine blood test. The biopsy came back clear, and Wadsworth carried on with his active life. But ten years later, another routine screening raised a concern. This time, the biopsy tested positive for cancer.
Prostate Cancer: Sheep or Wolf? is the riveting story of one man's parallel journeys: Balancing a diagnosis of and treatment for prostate cancer while embarking on multiple RV road trips between treatment regimens throughout the US and Europe. This book offers a revealing and insightful look into how America's healthcare system leads men into blind alleys, fear traps, and under- and overtreatment. There is considerable confusion and misinformation about prostate cancer screening, including whether men should even screen at all and what to make of the results. But even when men think they're informed about symptoms and screening, the presence of prostate cancer can be missed.
Despite regular PSA and DRE screening, Murray Wadsworth's cancer went undetected for years. When he was diagnosed at fifty-seven while working in England, he took no solace in the myth that prostate cancer is an old man's disease. But even a grim outlook and undefined stages couldn't keep Murray from pursuing the adventures of a lifetime. He understood the statistics, but dismissed immediate treatment. Instead, he took a different path.
In this poignant, rigorously referenced narrative, Murray Wadsworth details his exhaustive personal quest--one that took him to Europe several times and saw him living in an RV and venturing through the Rocky Mountains. In Europe, he discovered an entirely different approach than he'd found in the US; European treatments were not propelled by marketing and profit, but rather by cutting-edge medical technologies that may have removed all his disease.
READ THIS BOOK and learn in about two hours what it took Murray Wadsworth three years and countless medical consultations on two continents to learn: How to use groundbreaking technologies to thoroughly diagnosis the threat and make treatment decisions that are right for you.
Confidence remains high that Wadsworth got all the sheep. With the right information, you can better understand the threat, and possibly beat prostate cancer too.
"A fascinating journey through the complexities of US healthcare, insurance, and prostate cancer. Where screening is discouraged and treatment options all come with unacceptable side effects. Well researched, but easy to read. As a survivor and physician, I could appreciate both sides of Murray's dilemma." --James Thomson, M.D.
"The diagnosis of prostate cancer is a frightening one. Even as a health care provider, it is difficult to keep up with the ever-changing research and recommendations for diagnosis and management of this all too common disease. Prostate Cancer: Sheep or Wolf? does a fabulous job of discussing both the mainstream and the cutting-edge options, and will be immensely helpful to many men as they investigate the alternatives." --Michael J. Hilts, M.D.
"Today, buffeted by hard marketing, hype and misleading guidance, a diagnosis of prostate cancer is one of toughest life events many men will face. Neither promoting or demonising any particular approach, this thoroughly-researched and referenced book will be a valuable resource for men, whether they are at the point of considering screening or have already received a diagnosis of prostate cancer. However, Wadsworth's engaging narrative style and use of charming illustrations makes it a delight to read." --Dr Carole Wyatt, MBBCh (UK)
"This is not only a very informative book, but is also exceptionally easy to read - I completed it in one sitting. The author refers to low-risk cancers as 'sheep' and high-risk cancers as 'wolves'. These analogies not only reflect the tameness, or otherwise, of those animals, butt he degree to which one (the sheep) remains in the enclosure (the prostate gland) whilst the other (the wolf) is able to roam beyond this confine. Sheep or Wolf is a must-read for those worried about their PSA result and for those who have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer." --Dr Eryl A Thomas, MRCP, FRCR Consultant radiologist (retired) James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, England
"Mr. Wadsworth has written a very personal account of his ongoing battle with Prostate cancer. Although not a treatise on treatment of Prostate cancer it does contain and demonstrate several actions that I, as a Physician treating various cancers, feel are important to all patients.
First - Patients must be involved in their care decisions. Although there are Cancer treatment guidelines (such as, cancer treatment is not "one size fits all"! Mr. Wadsworth demonstrates this very well.
Second - Physical fitness and physical activity are important aspects of treatment. Fitness will allow better tolerance of treatment. Maintaining focus on overall health and not on the cancer will improve one's mental outlook. Again, this is well demonstrated by Mr. Wadsworth.
Third - Occupy your mind with something besides the cancer. This is demonstrated by selecting RV options, planning travels, and restoring an old boat.
Again, all cancers and all cancer patients are unique but this book does provide examples of how to accept and deal with a cancer diagnosis sadly common to many men." --Jack Walzel, M.D.