"Queen Bess is a completely novel concept blending cybersecurity, feminism, Elizabethan Tudor history, time travel, politics, and found family! As a cybersecurity professional I appreciated the nods to the many threats to the free world from nefarious cyber actors, and the role of the fabulous female billionaire protagonist in fighting them, and the call to 'old school' leadership qualities as key to fixing our modern world. Hugely enjoyable!"--Cynthia Wright, Cybersecurity Consultant
"Creative, timely and thoroughly original, Queen Bess imagines a world in which time travel allows a billionaire with a conscience to convince Queen Elizabeth I that she should journey to the 21stcentury, so she can run for president in 2028. Cultural complications aside, what a great idea! Wonderfully entertaining and hopeful."--Ellen Jarrett, Co-owner of Porter Square Books
"This genre-bending novel had me at the premise: with time travel rendered safe and possible, a tough, lovable female cybersecurity-billionaire protagonist plots a mission to bring Queen Elizabeth I to 2027, grooming her to take the US Presidency from a tyrannical tycoon in the following year's election. But, with this candidate--astounding ruler as she was--who needs explanations for airplanes, iPhones, and half-caff coffees, can Dakota's wild plan succeed? Part speculative, part historical, and all delightful, this time travel story for the ages (pun intended!) never fails to surprise and delight."--Liza Monroy, Author of The Distractions
"With deft storytelling, novelist Maria Vetrano beckons us to suspend our skepticism about time travel as she transports us into Tudor England, and then, in the delightful company of the time-traveled Queen Elizabeth, aka 'Bess, ' she sweeps us into the swirl of our 2027 presidential campaign. Queen Bess is playful and thought-provoking, and I especially love that she set this story in my home city of Cambridge, Mass."--Melissa Ludtke, Author of Locker Room Talk: A Woman's Struggle to Get Inside