"Redeemed by Fire presents a fascinating and impressively wide-ranging account of China's modern Christian experience, which is all the more valuable for the author's shrewd observations about the religion's future impact in the emerging superpower. Particularly striking are his rich descriptions of China's flourishing prophetic and popular movements."--Philip Jenkins, author of The Lost History of Christianity--Philip Jenkins
"Lian Xi's book, an important contribution on a neglected subject, is the only in-depth study of popular, independent Chinese Christianity. He knows his Chinese history and philosophy and writes clearly with vivid and apt metaphors."--Jessie Lutz, author of Opening China: Karl F.A. Gutzlaff And Sino-western Relations, 1827-1852--Jessie Lutz
"Truly a landmark book. . . [a] must-read. . . written in an elegant style that makes it a pleasure to read. . . . Essential for understanding China today."--Daniel H. Bays, International Bulletin of Missionary Research
--Daniel H. Bays "International Bulletin of Missionary Research"
"A major contribution . . . a rich resource and compelling account . . . clear and convincing."--Dr. G. Wright Doyle, Christianity in China
--G. Wright Doyle "Christianity in China"
"Important . . . very valuable."--David Lyle Jeffrey, Books and Culture
--David Lyle Jeffrey "Books and Culture""Beautifully researched and sympathetically written . . . accessible and attractive . . . important and provocative . . . essential reading."--Henrietta Harrison, American Historical Review
--Henrietta Harrison "American Historical Review"
"Succeeds wonderfully."--Philip Jenkins, Christian Century
--Philip Jenkins "Christian Century"
"Fascinating. . . . Lian's work excels. . . . [A] well-executed and detailed portrayal of the formation of Christianity as a Chinese religion. This engaging and provocative book would readily provoke stimulating discussion in many undergraduate classrooms."--Jeff Kyong-McClain, Journal of Church History--Jeff Kyong-McClain "Journal of Church History"
"This history hasn't been told so authoritatively in a Western language before. Lian can range across Chinese sources with ease, even as he writes in cogent English prose."--Ian Johnson, New York Review of Books--Ian Johnson "New York Review of Books"