"Sheva Rajaee masterfully debunks the 'myth of the One, ' which plagues individuals with ROCD, taking the reader through current research on the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of this increasingly problematic anxiety disorder. She provides sufferers with clear steps to confront their anxiety in the service of enhancing one's relationship satisfaction with demonstrable, meaningful, and lasting results."
--Jayson L. Mystkowski, PhD, A-CBT, founder, director, and licensed clinical psychologist at Cognitive Behavior Health Partners in Los Angeles, CA; and associate clinical professor of psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles--Jayson L. Mystkowski, PhD, A-CBT
"Sheva Rajaee has written an important book that fills a gaping hole on the topic of relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder (ROCD). For anyone struggling with obsessive doubt about whether or not you're with 'the One, ' this book offers information and tools to help you find more peace, freedom, and love."
--Sheryl Paul, author of The Wisdom of Anxiety and The Conscious Bride--Sheryl Paul
"Sheva Rajaee masterfully dissects the 'myth of the One' while providing guidance on how to live in the uncertainty of a myth-free world. She explains the trickery of ROCD with the kind of empathy and understanding only possible through lived experience. This book will ignite your anxiety while teaching you how to control the flame. And we are all better off for it."
--Allison Raskin, podcaster, mental health advocate, and best-selling coauthor of I Hate Everyone But You--Allison Raskin
"Reading Relationship OCD feels like talking with an intimate friend, a compassionate and knowledgeable therapist, a trusted confessor, and a loved partner all in one. Rajaee weaves together neuroscience, philosophy, and psychology to address some of the toughest issues in our private lives. Love and doubt, shame and longing, fear and hope--they're all in this highly readable book, and always with complete sensitivity and expert knowledge."
--Eli R. Lebowitz, associate professor in the Yale Child Study Center, and author of Breaking Free of Child Anxiety and OCD--Eli R. Lebowitz
"The condition of OCD has many subsets which continue to perplex the clinical population, as well as many mental health professionals. This book provides valuable information and guidelines for managing this extremely misunderstood facet of OCD. Many persons who might otherwise be misdiagnosed or misunderstood now have a resource to educate themselves and others about this illusive condition."
--Steven Phillipson, PhD, world-renowned expert in the treatment and understanding of OCD, and owner and clinical director of the Center for Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy for twenty-five years--Steven Phillipson, PhD
"A well-written, extremely practical step-by-step guide to overcoming ROCD. Sheva achieves the difficult task of combining cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and exposure therapy into a cohesive and easy-to-use approach. Highly recommended, both for those who suffer from ROCD and therapists who work with them."
--Russ Harris, author of The Happiness Trap and ACT Made Simple--Russ Harris