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Book Cover for: Remembranzas: Escenas de Una Vida Complicada, Sinéad O'Connor

Remembranzas: Escenas de Una Vida Complicada

Sinéad O'Connor

Bendecida con una voz extraordinaria templada al calor de su insobornable activismo, SinéadO'Connorirrumpió en la constelación de las grandes roqueras a finales de los ochenta, con una pompa que no iba con ella y de la que acabaría abjurando en poco tiempo. Para cuando contaba veinte, era ya mundialmente famosa y se había visto inadvertidamente catapultada a una vida con las servidumbres propias de una estrella con mayúsculas. Por su iconoclasta aspecto y sus célebres intervenciones televisivas --como cuando descuartizó la fotografía del papa en SaturdayNightLive a fin de impulsar su campaña contra los abusos de menores-- ha fascinado e indignado por igual a millones de apocalípticos e integrados. En Remembranzas, O'Connor desgrana los pormenores de su tempestuosa infancia; infierno de abusos y violencia parental que no tardará en dejar a sus espaldas a cuenta de los muy precoces triunfos que cosechará con sus primeros tientos en el universo sonoro. Un clamor arrollador acompaña su irrupción en una industria discográfica que trata de fagocitar al naciente mito y a cuyo establishment se enfrentará haciendo bandera de su libertad artística.

Blessed with an extraordinary voice tempered by the heat of her uncompromising activism, SinéadO'Connor broke into the constellation of the great rocks at the end of the eighties, with a pomp that did not go with her and from which she would end up abjuring in no time. By the time she was twenty, she was world famous and inadvertently catapulted into a life with the easements of a capitalized star. Because of her iconoclastic appearance and her celebrated television appearances -- such as when she dismembered the pope's photograph on SaturdayNightLive in order to further her campaign against child abuse -- she has fascinated and outraged millions of apocalyptics and mainstream alike. In Remembrances, O'Connor unravels the details of her stormy childhood; hell of abuse and parental violence that she will soon leave behind her back on account of the very early triumphs that she will reap with the first tientos of her in the sound universe. An overwhelming clamor accompanies her irruption into a record industry that tries to engulf the nascent myth and whose establishment she will confront by making the banner of her artistic freedom.

Book Details

  • Publisher: Libros del Kultrum
  • Publish Date: Jul 1st, 2022
  • Pages: 320
  • Language: Spanish
  • Edition: undefined - undefined
  • Dimensions: 8.19in - 5.12in - 0.87in - 0.95lb
  • EAN: 9788418404061
  • Categories: MusicIndividual Composer & Musician

About the Author

Memorias de la célebre cantautora irlandesa.

Memories of the Irish celebrity singer.