Jim Sallis has published sixteen novels including the Lew Griffin series, The Killer Is Dying and Drive, from which the Cannes-winning film derived, plus multiple collections of stories, poems and essays, the standard biography of African-American writer Chester Himes, three books of musicology, and a translation of Raymond Queneau's novel Saint Glinglin. Jim has received a lifetime achievement award from Bouchercon, the Hammett Award for literary excellence in crime writing, and the Grand Prix de Littérature policière. Recent books include the novel Others of My Kind and Black Night's Gonna Catch Me Here: New and Selected Poems. A new novel, Willnot, is due shortly from Bloomsbury.
"It is quite possible that speaking of Jim Sallis in the same tone as Poe and Dostoevski is not overblowing on my part. His early work indicates a mind and a talent of uncommon dimensions. . . . He may well be one of the significant ones." -- Harlan Ellison
"James Sallis is one of the best writers in the United States." -- Sue Walker, Editor, Negative Capability
"Sallis is a rare find . . . a fine prose stylist with an interest in moral struggle and a gift for the lacerating evocation of loss." -- New York Newsday
"James Sallis's extraordinary fiction is distinguished . . . honesty and meticulous artistry." -- Twentieth Century Fiction Writers.