"Another triumphant look into the legendary prowess of Ralph Nader. We can't count on Washington, but we can always count on Ralph Nader to speak for the rest of us." --ROSEANN DEMORO, executive director of National Nurses United
"For a half century Ralph Nader has said what he thinks, written what he believes, and told it like it is--even to presidents. Too bad they don't write back. I'd love to know how they'd explain themselves to Ralph, and to the American people." --ROBERT B. REICH, chancellor's professor of public policy, University of California at Berkeley, and former US secretary of labor"For the ordinary citizen the reading of a letter from Ralph Nader is an option; for a president of the United States, it is not." --Lewis Lapham, founder and editor of Lapham's Quarterly
"Ralph Nader is without a doubt the most dedicated, fearless, and intelligent citizen crusader America has ever been fortunate enough to have in our midst. Having spent my own time researching the twentieth-century presidential archives for All the Presidents' Bankers, including the plethora of two-way letters between the most elite and wealthy American bankers to presidents, it is clear that Ralph's insight and letters speak on behalf of the vast majority of our nation's citizens, and theirs do not. It is as shameful of these presidents to ignore his well-reasoned, fact-based, and population-centric letters and comments, as it is heroic of Ralph to produce this compilation that holds their denial and silence to account. Bravo, Ralph!" --Nomi Prins, author of All the Presidents' Bankers