Many young people aren't aware that determined individuals created the rights we now take for granted.
The idea of human rights is relatively recent, coming out of a post-World War II effort to draw nations together and prevent or lessen suffering. Righting Wrongs introduces children to the true stories of 20 real people who invented and fought for these ideas. Without them, many of the rights we take for granted would not exist.
These heroes have promoted women's, disabled, and civil rights; action on climate change; and the rights of refugees. These advocates are American, Sierra Leonean, Norwegian, and Argentinian. Eleven are women. Two identified as queer. Twelve are people of color. One campaigned for rights as a disabled person. Two identify as Indigenous. Two are Muslim and two are Hindu, and others range from atheist to devout Christian. There are two journalists, one general, three lawyers, one Episcopal priest, one torture victim, and one Holocaust survivor.
Their stories of hope and hard work show how people working together can change the world for the better.
"Righting Wrongs offers a fresh and engaging perspective on the human rights movement. Kirk shares the stories of 20 inspiring but often unlikely heroes, showing how individuals have been able to shape history and build a powerful movement for human rights. This book is a wonderful and unique contribution to our understanding of how people can challenge injustice and make change in the world." --Jo Becker, Children's Rights Advocacy Director at Human Rights Watch and author of Campaigning for Children: Strategies for Advancing Children's Rights