The first edition of Daniel Defoe's classic Robinson Crusoe was published in 1719. Since then hundreds of editions have been issued. The objective of Lovett's bibliographical checklist is to list, in chronological order, as many of the English-language editions, including The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe and Serious Reflections of Robinson Crusoe, as could be located to prepare accurate citations.
Information is provided on complete and unabridged editions as well as reworded, abridged, and/or children's editions. Each entry provides information on the title permutation, pagination, illustrations, and other information of concern. Access to the materials themselves is augmented by a complete index to publishers of the many editions and revisions of Robinson Crusoe. Researchers and scholars of English eighteenth century literature and serious book collectors will find this volume a vital resource.
ROBERT W. LOVETT is Professor of English at Wake Forest University. He has previously published articles in the Dickensian and English Language Notes.
CHARLES C. LOVETT is a partner in the antiquarian bookdealership, Lovett & Lovett Booksellers. He has previously published two volumes on Lewis Carroll, Alice on Stage and Lewis Carroll's Alice.