An excellent example of how a serious, even sympathetic, engagement with religion need not threaten reason or compromise scientific integrity.-- "Daily Beast"
The Rocks Don't Lie traces the history of the field of geology through the thinking that progressively debunked the great-flood myth and left behind, temporarily, what would be resurrected 150 years later as Creationism. . . . The Rocks Don't Lie intertwines geologic history and the author's own field trips in an engrossing way. . . . Montgomery also shows flashes of considerable wit. . . . That's just a taste of what's in store for readers of this delightful volume. I came away far more enriched than I had expected to be.-- "American Scientist"
"[Montgomery's] arguments are spirited and compelling, but his most novel conceit is to frame this intellectual history of geology by giving special attention to Noah's Flood.-- "Wall Street Journal"
We can only hope that [Montgomery's] book will be received with the same open-mindedness with which it was written.--Martin Rudwick "New Scientist"
Thought-provoking.-- "Scientific American"
Fascinating, exquisitely researched and comprehensive.-- "Seattle Times"
Examining a wide variety of flood and creation stories across centuries, Montgomery provides an enthusiastic and valuable recounting of the history of geology and how the advances in science have consistently faced opposition from the guardians of so-called religious authority, based on a literal reading of the Bible.-- "Kirkus Reviews"
Montgomery... offers a thorough critique of creationist worldviews... while treating his opponents with respect, reflecting on both ancient and modern debates and demonstrating that Christians have been arguing among themselves about these subjects for millennia. ...The combination of historical study and humility on behalf of geology makes for an extremely persuasive work. Highly recommended.--John M. Kistler "Library Journal"