Why subtitle a commentary on Romans The Divine Marriage? Mainly because the central message of the Bible has to do with the drama of God seeking out a people for himself. The Old Testament described Israel as God's bride because she was called to a unique, personal relationship with her God.
However, Paul's contention is that national Israel's exclusive claim to be the bride no longer stands. The apostle's message is that God has created a new covenant with those who believe in his Son, and that believing Jews and Gentiles have now become the true bride of God. The Jewish remnant and believing Gentiles both draw from the same divinely-appointed stock as they share the promises given by God to Abraham.
The theme of the divine marriage (which is the culmination of the New Exodus) shaped and guided the letters that Paul wrote. This is especially true for the letter to the Romans, the letter of the divine marriage.
Here in his new study the insights of Holland's former work, Contours of Paul Theology with its central "New Exodus" paradigm, impact radically upon earlier readings of Paul's Letter to the Romans, revealing that these readings were controlled by eclectic methodologies that have in varying measure obscured the message of the biblical text.
Those who have already encountered Contours will be eager to discover how a corporate reading of the Apostle Paul's greatest contribution to the New Testament unfolds, and how-to highlight but one issue-a forensic sense of justification is to be maintained in the light of a broader covenantal context.
Many readers will be amazed that yet another study of a biblical text that has been subjected to so many fingertip searches in the past can yield such fresh evidence. All in all, Tom Holland's new commentary will not only affect the way one reads Romans, but it will also change the way that one looks at the Bible as a whole.
As the subtitle indicates, Tom Holland's Romans is truly both biblical and theological, as the letter is set firmly in its unfolding canonical context. Holland shows how Romans contributes to our understanding of God's covenant arrangement with humankind. The commentary digs deeply into current scholarship on the Old Testament roots of Paul's teaching, yet presents its conclusions in accessible language.
- Prof Douglas Moo, Wheaton College
This commentary on Romans develops many of the major themes explored in Dr Holland's useful and insightful book Contours of Pauline Theology. Tom Holland always remains alert to the influence and relevance of the Old Testament, and emphasises the impact of Paul's thought upon the Church as a community, and as well as on the individual as part of that community. Above all, Tom Holland deploys his scholarship to produce a very saline and practical commentary. The preacher will find here many practical applications, which will bring Paul's message to life for today. This is a clear and readable exposition, which well reflects Paul's pastoral concern for the community of the Church.
- Anthony C. Thiselton, D.D., Professor of Christian Theology, University of Nottingham
This vigorously argued commentary seeks to allow Old Testament themes and thought patterns, not misguided scholarly conventions, to control Romans' message. Paul's ministry is seen rigorously in New Exodus terms; the church is the New Israel, Yahweh's people and (along with true Israel of old) figurative bride. Verses from the prophet Isaiah are particularly foundational. Organizationally Holland's treatment is strongly messianic in focus-every section of Romans is subordinated to "the Messiah King." Scholars of Romans will be stimulated by interaction with this canonically alert, creative, and frequently contrarian exposition and synthesis of a Pauline classic.
- Robert W. Yarbrough, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri.
Tom Holland's commentary on Paul's letter to the Romans is not just another commentary. He has a thesis to establish and he goes about his task with powerful argument, incisive exegesis and clear theology.
- Dr Robert Strivens, Principal, London Theological Seminary
Holland's clearly stated exegetical conclusions will be of interest to those both within and outside of the perspectives of evangelical exegesis, particularly for his sustained corporate reading of Romans as well as his specific challenges to New Perspective arguments . . . Holland has very interesting perspectives to offer.
- Prof Florence Morgan Gillman, University of San Diego
Tom Holland has written a thought-provoking book that will undoubtedly be fruitful for many teachers and preachers. More than any other commentator on Romans so far, he uncovers the Old Testament roots of the letter and shows the impact of Paul's thoughts upon the Christian church today.
- Dr Rob van Honwelingen, Theological University, Kampen, Netherlands