* "The artist's familiar blotchy line and thick opaque paints capture Roy's carefree glee... Roy's raucous absurdity will appeal to beginning readers as well as delighting a storytime crowd." -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, starred reviewPraise for No, David!: A Caldecott Honor BookA New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book of the Year* "In this ode to bad and boisterous little boys... this book is perfect for reading aloud. Children will relish the deliciously bad behavior and the warm and cuddly conclusion." -- School Library Journal, starred review"The illustrations are wonderful, full of good-time trouble-making tomfoolery, borrowing on the energy of children's drawings and the determined strokes of their early attempts at lettering. David is a small, snaggle-toothed piehead whose mischief-for those who don't have to clean up after him-is nothing short of exhilarating." -- Kirkus Reviews"Readers won't be able to resist taking a walk on the wild side with this little rascal, and may only secretly acknowledge how much of him they recognize in themselves." -- Publishers WeeklyPraise for Grow Up, David!: "The illustrations capture both the emotional intensity of David's roller-coaster world and, in hilarious close-up tableaux, a series of brotherly tussles, pranks, domestic disasters, and goofy bids for attention... Nice to see you again, David!" -- Kirkus ReviewsPraise for Good Boy, Fergus!: * "Shannon's mixed-media illustrations, in the style of his David books, crackle with personality. Fergus's expressions and poses will be both funny and familiar to dog lovers, and the predominantly close-up perspective offers an immediacy that makes readers feel included in every second of the tail-wagging action. Paws down, Fergus is one memorable pooch." -- Publishers Weekly, starred reviewPraise for Duck on a Bike: "Shannon serves up a sunny blend of humor and action in this delightful tale of a Duck who spies a red bicycle one day and gets 'a wild idea.'... Add to all this the abundant opportunity for youngsters to chime in with barnyard responses ('M-o-o-o'; 'Cluck! Cluck!'), and the result is one swell read-aloud, packed with freewheeling fun." -- Publishers WeeklyPraise for A Bad Case of Stripes: "The pictures are probably enough to attract young browsers, and the book's irony and wealth of detail may even interest readers in higher grades." -- Booklist"This very funny tale speaks to the challenge many kids face in choosing to act independently." -- School Library Journal