In stark prose and powerful graphics, author and artist share the story of a sports hero, role model, consummate showman, and era-defining American.
Rich Tommaso started writing and drawing original comics and graphic novels in 1993. He is mostly known for his series of crime novels, the first of which was Clover Honey. Since then, he has penned a few more crime books, including Sam Hill: The Cavalier Mr. Thompson, Dark Corridor, and Dry County. At the moment he is drawing a new, but classically-styled, Dick Tracy comic series with Mike, Lee, and Laura Allred. Aside from his crime work he's made a dozen other comics and graphic novels in various genres, including Spy Seal, She Wolf, Vikings' End, Don't Look Back, 8 1/2 Ghosts, Perverso!, The Horror of Collier County, and a humorous travel book called Let's Hit the Road. He lives in Atlanta, GA with his girlfriend, Amy, and their two cats.