Four friends creep through the woods, and what do they spot? An exquisite bird high in a tree! "Hello birdie," waves one. "Shh! We have a plan," hush the others. They stealthily make their advance, nets in the air. Ready one, ready two, ready three, and go! But as one comically foiled plan follows another, it soon becomes clear that their quiet, observant companion, hand outstretched, has a far better idea.
There's a bouncy staccato music in the carefully structured text, and listeners will quickly anticipate the patterns and helpfully join in on the repetitions as they root for the little guy who knows better than the big fools. Haugen's art is original yet easily legible... The temptation to act this out will be almost irresistible, so channel the impulse into an organized (or even semi-organized) performance.
--Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (starred review)
With cover art recalling Ungerer's The Three Robbers and the wry sensibility of Klassen's Hat books, this is a natural choice for any storytime. A spare, humorous text pairs with blocky, digital illustrations to tell the story... Plan on repeated readings.
--Horn Book (starred review)
Big, blocky shapes and intense hues make the action simple to follow, and Haughton's text is similarly telegraphic. ... The delicious stupidity of the hunting trio, the purity of heart of their small companion, and the sweet-tempered drama of each page turn make this a classic exercise in picture-book making.
--Publishers Weekly
Haughton's stylish digital illustrations in chunky patches of color make masterful use of hue and contrast--the jazzy warm-toned birds are vibrant when set against the crepuscular blues of the friends and the woods. With only a few words total, a repeated refrain, and a visually unmistakable plot, this is a great choice for emergent readers or a group storytime.
--Booklist Online
A peace-waging parable, presented with wry minimalism à la Jon Klassen or Tomi Ungerer. ... Haughton uses a palette of deep blues and purples for his simple forest scenes; this causes the hunters' googly eyes to stand out comically and also makes the fuchsia, red and orange birds easy to spot and follow. Last seen creeping up on a squirrel, the hunters have plainly learned nothing from their experience...but young readers might. Sure to "net" young audiences, who will definitely root for the birds.
--Kirkus Reviews
It's one of the best picture books of the year.
--Travis Jonker, 100 Scope Notes
This slapstick adventure (rendered in brilliantly saturated colors) demonstrates that if the best laid plans often go awry, then poorly laid plans don't stand a chance.
--Huffington Post
Many young readers will enjoy the story for its humorous elements while others will nod gently, recognizing its life lessons about the impact of force versus gentleness. The repetitive use of cautionary "Shh"s hissed at the youngster as the gang tries to execute its plans and the moody digital illustrations are bound to make readers feel as though they are moving stealthily through the night.
--Reading Today Online
Chris Haughton tells a simple story with illustrations that are reminiscent of Eric Carle.... With few words on each page and a repetitive pattern, young readers will delight in this engaging story.
--Library Media Connection
Delightfully vibrant.