Soliloquies is a work from Augustine's early life, shortly after his conversion, in which are visible all the seeds contained in his future writings. Here we see Augustine as a philosopher, a thinker and a budding theologian. Soliloquies is a work from Augustine's early life, shortly after his conversion, in which are visible all the seeds contained in his future writings. We see him as a person preparing for baptism, reaching for the God of truth for whom he had searched passionately. It is his personal prayer to his God of love and mercy.
"In Soliloquies, Augustine is relentless in his interior quest for truth a quest similar to Socrates' dialogue quest in the Platonic dialogues, except that Augustine's dialogue is a solely interior one. In the text, Augustine reveals a rigorous self-critical intellectual methodology essential for any attainment of inner freedom and peace a methodology that could benefit any contemporary seeker of truth."
Sr. Barbara Wall
Villanova University, PA