Sonnets and Other Poems offers a cross section of lyric poetry from Portugal's Luís de Camões, author of The Lusiads(1572), the great Renaissance epic memorializing Vasco da Gama's inaugural voyage to India. A selection of forty sonnets is followed by poems using other metrical patterns and rhyme schemes, including terza rima, ottava rima, the sestina, the canzone, and the redondilha, a verse form typical of Portuguese poetry. Richard Zenith's fluid translations, originally published in 2009, have been fully revised and updated. Far from attempting to rewrite Camões, Zenith closely adheres to the original text, employing modern English but resisting the temptation to expand on the relatively small lexicon of the Portuguese.
"The great Portuguese poet and nomadic adventurer, Luís de Camões, is best known in the English-speaking world for The Lusiads, his epic tale of empire-building. Yet his body of lyric poetry is no less skilled and astonishing. Richard Zenith, the brilliantly accomplished translator and scholar, now offers us an utterly vivid and immediate rendering of these lyrics, revealing anew their sustained vitality, psychological and emotional depth, and sheer inventiveness. For all who value the eternal lyric tradition, this collection should prove essential reading."--Michael Palmer