A work eighty years in the making, Leon Trotsky's unfinished masterpiece: Stalin.
Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) was a key leader of the Russian Revolution. Forced into exile in 1928, Trotsky devoted the rest of his life to fighting the degeneration of the revolution and rise of a new dictatorial regime. Vilified and isolated, he fought an uncompromising battle with the Stalinist bureaucracy, defending the revolutionary and internationalist principles upon which the revolution was based. In 1940, he was murdered by an agent of the Stalinist regime.
"A book on Stalin by Trotsky would be an event under any circumstances." - Michael Karpovich, The New York Times
"Trotsky's Stalin is sometimes brilliant and at all points highly informative and revealing", Bertram D. Wolfe, TheAmerican Mercury
"Trotsky shows conclusively that Soviet historiography has become an arsenal of falsifications constructed to defend ... Stalin's regime", Waldemar Gurian, The American Historical Review
"As an historian and biographer, Trotsky treats facts, dates and quotations with almost pedantic conscientiousness", Isaac Deutscher, Times Literary Supplement
"Because of his intimate participation in the events which he describes, Trotsky's writings are always historically important." Orville Prescott, The New York Times
"This book will take its place among the great Marxist classics not simply as a brilliant biography but as a powerful weapon in the struggle for the communist future of man." John G. Wright, Fourth International
"Like most of Trotsky's writings, Stalin is a literary tour de force," Frederick L.Schuman, The Atlantic