Tacky the Penguin goes windsurfing and ends up on a tropical island, captive to an elephant who, upon seeing Tacky's floral Hawaiian shirt, mistakes him for a bouquet of flowers. The elephant thinks that Tacky would make a pretty centerpiece, so she arranges him in a vase and sets him on her table. Tacky's fans are sure to delight in the show as Tacky uses all of his best penguin moves to wriggle himself out of this hilarious jungle mix-up. Only the team of Helen Lester and Lynn Munsinger could pull off a tale of such far-fetched adventure. They are masters at the art of creating silly stories and beloved characters that make children laugh out loud.
Helen Lester has written many hilarious and popular picture books, including the Tacky the Penguin series and Hooway for Wodney Wat. She lives in New York. helenlester.com
Fans of previous adventures of the spunky little penguin will welcome this latest, which is probably Tacky's goofiest escapade yet. While his boring fellow penguins nap comfortably atop their iceberg, Tacky takes off on a solitary ice-surfing expedition, landing on a tropical isle. An elephant mistakes his billowing flowered shirt for a bouquet and takes Tacky home to dress up her dreary kitchen table. Convincing the deluded elephant that he's a penguin not a posy takes some doing, but Tacky finally manages it with his usual relish, leaving behind with his hostess a colorful reminder of his unexpected visit. The illustrations will sell the story.
Booklist, ALA
The story will appeal to children who know that making a mess can cause trouble. The soft, watercolor illustrations and simple story line make this a good choice for reading aloud.
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