Old twins, new twins, famous twins, not-at-all-alike twins, side-byside twins, let's play twins, not-yet twins, mirror twins -- all kinds of twins! -- come together in a collection of original poems by two of our most celebrated authors for young people: J. Patrick Lewis and Jane Yolen. From a wave and a wink to a twin switcheroo, from a rocket to the moon to the old woman who lived in a shoe, these poems and mini facts, whimsically illustrated by Sophie Blackall, will leave even singletons with a twinkle in their eyes. Here is the perfect book to share with the twins in your life -- and everyone who loves them.
Jane Yolen, not a twin herself--but with multiple sets in her family--is the recipient of the Sydney Taylor Body-of-Work Award in recognition of the more than 400 books she has written for children and young adults, including the Caldecott Medal winner Owl Moon and the New York Times bestseller How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? With Candlewick Press, she is the editor of three collections of poems for children: Switching on the Moon: A Very First Book of Bedtime Poems; Here's a Little Poem: A Very First Book of Poetry; and This Little Piggy: Lap Songs, Finger Plays, Clapping Games, and Pantomime Rhymes. She divides her time between Massachusetts and Scotland.
Sophie Blackall is the acclaimed illustrator of more than forty-five books for young readers and a two-time Caldecott Medalist. Born and raised in Australia, she now lives in Brooklyn.
This playful collection of twin-themed poems, a welcome addition to the bookshelf on the subject of twins, is as much for parents as for kids.
--Publishers Weekly
From lighthearted to thoughtful, rhythmic to balladic, the verses are appealingly varied in mood and style. Whimsical and delightfully detailed, Blackall's bright-hued watercolor, pencil, and collage illustrations depict charismatic youngsters and reflect each offering's tone. A "Twin Fact" appears on each spread. A fine share-aloud for families with twins and kids who are curious about them.
--School Library Journal
Veteran poets tap into the never-ending interest in twins with a collection of poetry dedicated to twosomes... Divided into four sections comprising "Twins in the Waiting Womb," "Twinfants," "How to Be One" and "Famous Twins," the poems explore milestones as twins, the push and pull of twin relationships and the need for individuality... T-winsome.
--Kirkus Reviews
A charmer.
More than 40 original poems playfully present "twindom".
--San Francisco Chronicle