A daredevil poetic achievement from a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Yusef Komunyakaa's Talking Dirty to the Gods was nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award
. . . A god isn't worth
A drop of water in the hell of his good
Imagination, if we can't curse
Sunsets & threaten to forsake him
In his storehouse of belladonna,
Tiger hornets, & snakebites.
--from "Meditations in a Swine Yard"
No turn in any life cycle is taboo as Yusef Komunyakaa examines the primal rituals shared by insects, animals, human beings, and deities in Talking Dirty to the Gods. From "Hearsay" to "Heresy," these 132 poems, each consisting of four quatrains, are framed by innuendo and lively satire. Komunyakaa looks to nature and configures his own paradigm, in which an event as commonplace as the jewel wasp laying an egg in a cockroach becomes every bit as grand as Zeus's infidelity. The formally rigorous collection is itself a design for a systematic cosmos, a world compressed but abundant in surprise and delight.
Yusef Komunyakaa's books of poems include Warhorses (FSG, 2008), Taboo (FSG, 2004), and Neon Vernacular: New and Selected Poems, for which he received the Pulitzer Prize. He teaches at New York University.
Poem-a-Day, #NationalPoetryMonth & more from the Academy of American Poets, the nation's leading champion of poets, poetry, and the work of poetry organizations
Don’t miss GATHER IN POEMS, an online reading f/t @cilantroman, Marie Howe, & @doriannelaux along with other award-winning poets sharing poems by @JoyHarjo, Yusef Komunyakaa, Arthur Sze & more. 11/17 at 7pm ET. Closed captioning provided. Free with RSVP: https://t.co/3Vvs2WVojN https://t.co/deRfAgpjoQ
Poetry © https://t.co/znOUPjXtRg #haiku #tanka #mpy @tankathursday ~ I host #TankaThursday prompt 🇺🇸🌊🌻🟦 🌈#SaveSS #VoteBlue
I took me 14 years to write poems about Vietnam. I had never thought about writing about it, and in a way, I had been systematically writing around it. ~Yusef Komunyakaa #quote
Salesperson by day, poet, reader, music lover and nature nut the rest of the time. #poet #writer
A great article by Yusef Komunyakaa on the poet Etheridge Knight. If you have or have no read any of Knight’s poems, you will enjoy Komunyakaa’s perspective. https://t.co/GxDePFb0eJ