The Gift a Spiritual Teen Will Appreciate
Teens ON Fire is a radical guide for Christian teens who are aspiring or already on their spiritual journey, on how to leverage their spiritual journey for human good. There are different paths to our destinies just as there are different paths to finding ourselves. Whatever path we are on towards our unique destiny, it better be for a good cause, if we are to ground our spirituality. Teens ON Fire shows you how to leverage your spiritual practices for social causes and even how to become a Christian activist for a social cause. This is a very powerful guide for teens transitioning from being new in their spiritual journey, to then cementing their spiritual practices through liberatory theology. The universe could use another spiritual teen embracing a social cause as an ambassador or as an anchor to their authenticity. Imagine Such A Journey Of Purpose. The guide takes you on a journey of exploration first then discovery. And finally finding one's true north in pursuit of a higher purpose, both in spiritual matters and in search for solutions to the concrete conditions of the masses. Available in Softback and Hardback Versions. Get A Copy Now!