Edward Rothstein "The New York Times" If, for some, Mr. Gilder's pronouncements have the weight of Scripture, it is not just because they promise untold this-worldly benefits...Forget the mundane: in the new age, cloaked in wings of light, we Gilderites will dwell in telecosmic utopia.
"The Economist" Even sceptics would do well to read "Telecosm..."Mr. Gilder's messianic intensity and relentless optimism exert a grip on the reader that never lets go. You may not understand everything in "Telecosm, " but it may change your mind in unexpected ways.
Blair Levin "The Washington Monthly" The book is a masterful, and highly readable, review of the science, technology, and companies that are changing the landscape of communications...Gilder's overview of the emerging landscape is the best I've read.
David Gelernter National Review Over the last decade hundreds of books have investigated this fast-changing landscape-which underlies the future of the Internet, the web, and computers in general, of phones and TV and communication and culture; Gilder's is one of two or three that are indispensable..."Telecosm" is one of the best technology books I have ever read.
Newt Gingrich "The Washington Times" George Gilder's new book "Telecosm" will become "must reading" for everyone who wants to know what comes after the computer-Internet revolution.