This fascinating second part of The Book of Lost Tales features the tales of Beren and Lúthien, Túrin and the Dragon, and the only full narratives of the Necklace of the Dwarves and the Fall of Gondolin. Essential reading for Middle-earth aficionados, each tale is followed by commentary from editor Christopher Tolkien. Also included is extensive information on the names and vocabulary in the earliest Elvish languages.
"The Tales will be appreciated by those who have read The Silmarillion and wish to examine how Tolkien improved his story and style from their original form, and how eventually The Lord of the Rings came to stand independently with only a few hints from the early mythology."--British Book News
A non-profit, online higher education institution. Specializing in Tolkien Studies, Imaginative Literature, Germanic Philology, and Classic Literature.
Join @jtauber of the Digital Tolkien Project for the second module in the History of Middle-earth series! Dive into The Book of Lost Tales Part Two; includes a special guest appearance from John Garth! Class starts Jan. 30 with 4 discussion sections:
Party trick: can name Brit🤴👸 from Alfred the Great, and yes, 👸Matilda counts. Can do the same for the House of Finwë. Likes both old/new films, MCU, Dune, ST
@Main4Profile @Markydaysaid @jfwong That's not quite accurate. When Tolkien talked about creating a mythology for the English he was talking about The Book of Lost Tales (in which an Anglo-Saxon man visits Tol Eressëa, which splits and becomes the British Isles) but he abandoned that and started over. Also this:
"The Tales will be appreciated by those who have read The Silmarillion and wish to examine how Tolkien improved his story and style from their original form, and how eventually The Lord of the Rings came to stand independently with only a few hints from the early mythology."--British Book News