"The award-winning science writer [Ball] explores the diversity of thinking minds, from our human ones to those of mammals, insects, computers, and plants."-- "Bookseller"
"Ball, a former editor at Nature, attempts to conceptualize the makeup of minds truly alien to our own, including those of plants, robots, and fungi. He provides a definition of what it means to have a mind (it's all about an entity's particular experience of being itself), and in doing so, illuminates much of what makes human minds unique."-- "Publishers Weekly"
"A journey into the concept of the mind, mixing neurology, philosophy, technology, and other disciplines. Although everyone has a mind, few experts agree on its makeup. Ball delivers a fine investigation of the possibilities. . . . Many of his topics are among the hottest in neuroscience today, explored by scores of academics and popularizers such as Oliver Sacks, Antonio Damasio, and Daniel Dennett. Building on their theories and others, Ball makes a useful addition to the literature. A difficult subject lucidly illuminated, if not fully explained."-- "Kirkus Reviews"
"Comprehensive and far-ranging. . . . This extensive tome will be a must-read for those with a keen interest in psychology, philosophy, and cognitive science, and for those who want to embark on a deep dive into the significance of the mind."-- "Library Journal"
"A most thought-provoking book. . . . Packed with loads of information on the behavior of animals representing diverse species--ranging from various mammals, including optimistic pigs and aesthetic dogs, to tool-making birds, bees and "hive minds," intelligent alien octopuses, plants, machines, and other entities--this wide-ranging book is a gem. It opens up the door to a pluralistic view of what is a mind, that there isn't one kind of mind in a wide range of nonhumans and other entities, that we're not on top of the list of minded beings, and that there's no reason to compare different kinds of minds to ours."-- "Psychology Today"
"In The Book of Minds: How To Understand Ourselves and Other Beings, From Animals to AI to Aliens, science writer Philip Ball explores the minds or mind-like qualities that seem to exist in the world, and how best to make sense of it all when the science of subjective experience remains so uncertain."-- "Storytelling Animals"
"Ball argues that we must look beyond our own brains and delve into the minds of other creatures if we want to truly understand ourselves and comprehend the possibility of alien or machine intelligence."-- "New Scientist, "Don't Miss""
"Peering into other putative minds--animal, plant, AI, alien--Ball breaks the narcissistic trap of our sapiocentrism, our default assumption that the world is ours first, and only later should we condescend to find a little space for the rest of creation. . . . Ball is the laureate of curiosity and a one-stop source of wisdom. This book will teach you a lot about minds; but it will also make you marvel at the capacious and sagacious one possessed by its author."-- "Prospect"
"The Book of Minds is an extremely thoughtful, well-written, and entertaining survey of current views about the nature--and existence--of minds. While fairly light in tone and often humorous, the book itself is quite serious, and Ball does an excellent job of explaining difficult or abstruse concepts (from quantum mechanics to evolution to neuroscience) in clear language. Omnivorous in its consideration of topics and resistant to dogmatism, Ball's book is a sustained, intelligent meditation on questions of deep scientific and human importance."--David Sepkoski, Thomas M. Siebel Chair in History of Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, author of "Catastrophic Thinking: Extinction and the Value of Diversity from Darwin to the Anthropocene"
"Ball's synoptic overview of all the sorts of minds that may exist brings together a huge wealth of ideas and facts, presenting them in a digestible and engaging form. Beginning with a discussion of what we mean by mind and what seems notable about human minds, he considers, in turn, various sorts of animals, plants, animal colonies, AI, aliens, and God, before wrapping up with a chapter on the problem of free will. A valuable introduction to scientific and philosophical work on the varieties of mindedness."--Luke Roelofs, Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness, New York University, author of "Combining Minds: How to Think about Composite Subjectivity"
"Despite its humorous. . . subtitle, in this book popular science writer Ball offers an engaging text on the philosophy of mind. His discussion of mind tap-dances between scientific and philosophical theories of mind and brings both to bear on classic and contemporary problems regarding the nature of minds, as well as problems about ascertaining which, if any, non-human animals have minds."-- "Choice"
"This volume invites readers to reclaim the idea of mind as an essential scientific concept, and then challenges our common ideas about what mind is. This trip takes us through human cultural differences and human neurodiversity, priming readers to start thinking about minds different from one's own. What follows is a deeper investigation of what, following Aaron Sloman, Ball calls the Space of Possible Minds. The author calls for a Copernican revolution in thinking about mind that decenters the human, and even one that decenters the animal... By inviting readers to escape their own minds and imagine different ways of being minded, this book offers an essential step forward in the Copernican revolution that the author hopes to see. It is highly recommended."-- "Quarterly Review of Biology"
"An impressive investigation of the various dimensions of what we call 'the mind' with much discussion of what sorts of beings might have minds. The book surveys views of a variety of philosophers and scientists with the breadth of knowledge you would expect of prolific science author Ball. . . . The Book of Minds is a highly interdisciplinary work that nicely weaves together ideas from various disciplines that address matters of mind. The book is well-written and accessible, with a clear presentation of the major issues, including the intriguing topic of minds beyond the boundaries of our planet. . . . A fascinating introduction to the many different aspects of mind with intriguing discussion of who might have them."-- "Metascience"
"Ball . . . urges us to explore 'the space of possible minds', rather than making the human mind, as pre-Copernican astronomers did the world, central and unique."-- "Spectator"
"With ambition and patience . . . Ball explores the parameters and functions of actual, virtual, and possible minds. The journey begins with humans and our fellow organisms on Earth (including plants and fungi) and ends with machine-based minds (artificial intelligence) and minds beyond our grasp (extraterrestrials and even God). The Book of Minds addresses everything from intelligence and consciousness to agency and free will. In doing so, Ball risks biting off more than we can chew. And yet the book reads swiftly and smoothly. Organized into ten generous chapters, the book often feels like the educated rambling of a passionate dilettante. Ball's take is wide and balanced, likely to please the demigods of mainstream academe while veiling valiant minority reports in its interstices."-- "Science"
"Writer and broadcaster Ball investigates how we might perceive the mind if we did not put humans at the centre of our understanding. Highlighting that other cultures have attributed 'minds' to everything from rocks and rivers to trees and the weather, he argues that we should look beyond humans to truly understand what a mind encompasses. Combining neurology, philosophy, computer science and artificial intelligence, it's a fascinating and illuminating account."-- "Observer (Guardian UK)"
"The Book of Minds helped me better adjust my perception of the fast-evolving world of artificial intelligence. And for me, the key was first to change my perception of 'minds.' The book, which talks about all kinds of minds, from humans to animals to machines and extraterrestrials, gives you a framework for looking past your instinctive tendency to view things through the lens of your own mind and experience."-- "TechTalks"