In Part 1 Guder explores how, under the influence of reductionism and individualism, the church has historically moved away from a biblical theology of evangelism. Part 2 presents contemporary challenges to the church's evangelical ministry, especially those challenges that illustrate the church's need for continuing conversion. Part 3 discusses what a truly missional theology would mean for the church, including sweeping changes in its institutional structures and practices.
Written for teachers, church leaders, and students of evangelism, this volume is vital reading for everyone engaged in mission work.
Missio Apostolica
"In a market saturated with books on evangelism that describe specific methods and programs, Darrell Guder's work is a refreshing theological consideration of the topic. . . In The Continuing Conversion of the Church, Darrell Guder provides a theology of evangelism that takes seriously the changing cultural situation of North America, the church as an instrument of God's mission, and the biblical foundation of evangelism. His work provides a balanced treatment of the culture, the church and the gospel for a church challenged by recent changes in the North American mission field."
Theological Book Review
"This is a good book for all who wish to reassess their own grasp of the Church's evangelistic calling and are not afraid to be challenged to re-imagine the Church to make this calling fruitful. It would be one essential book for Church leaders to read and meditate on during a sabbatical period of leave."
"This inspiring book, addressed to a large audience of educated Christians and theology students, deals with the foundations of evangelism, the basic challenge to translate the gospel in every human culture, and the continuing conversion of the church that is constantly evangelized throughout the historical unfolding of its mission."
Net Results
"The serious pastor, student, or layperson will find this book an excellent resource."
International Bulletin of Missionary Research
"This readable and very well-documented book is a vital resource for church leaders who seek to orient their faith communities to God's mission."