The U.S. dollar has been the global reserve currency since the end of World War II. If the dollar fails, the entire international monetary system will fail with it. But optimists have always said, in essence, that confidence in the dollar will never truly be shaken, no matter how high our national debt or how dysfunctional our government.
In the last few years, however, the risks have become too big to ignore. While Washington is gridlocked, our biggest rivals--China, Russia, and the oil-producing nations of the Middle East--are doing everything possible to end U.S. monetary hegemony. The potential results: Financial warfare. Deflation. Hyperinflation. Market collapse. Chaos.
James Rickards, the acclaimed author of Currency Wars, shows why money itself is now at risk and what we can all do to protect ourselves. He explains the power of converting unreliable investments into real wealth: gold, land, fine art, and other long-term stores of value.
"The Death of Money makes a valuable contribution to our economic discourse."
"James Rickards' The Death of Money is ... making it a veritable golden age for smart books on the current state of the global economy."
"A terrifically interesting and useful book . . . fascinating."
--KENNETH W. DAM, former deputy secretary of the Treasury and adviser to three presidents
"The Death of Money contains very big, provocative ideas clearly explained and delivered in an evenhanded tone that steers away from the sensational proclamation yet successfully undercuts conventional market wisdom. Rickards's insight enables him to connect the dots in a way that few others can. A worthy successor to Currency Wars."
--JOHN HATHAWAY, portfolio manager, Tocqueville Gold Fund
"The Death of Money is an engrossing account of the massive stresses accumulating in the global financial system, especially since the 2008 financial crisis. Jim Rickards is a natural teacher. Any serious student of financial crises and their root causes needs to read this book."
--JOHN H. MAKIN, PH.D., resident scholar, American Enterprise Institute; former chief economist, Caxton Associates
"A crucial primer for investors and consumers for what lies immediately ahead for the United States and a world that remains entirely dependent upon the dollar. The Death of Money is an important new book for those who worry about the future of our country."
--R. CHRISTOPHER WHALEN, noted bank analyst; author of Inflated
"Rickards's analysis of the inflation-deflation paradox, dangerous adversaries to the dollar, and the Fed's strategy is insightful. Following his bestseller Currency Wars, this book is even better. A great book makes you think differently about the world--and this one does just that."
--DON YOUNG, twenty-five-time Institutional Investor All-Star Analyst; former board member, Financial Accounting Standards Board