With compassion and insight, Thomas Moore offers a compelling case for an easier, lighter way of moving through life by experiencing the peace, calm, and openness of emptiness. Through ancient and modern stories, Moore gently shows that our constant multitasking may not be getting us anywhere, and that emptiness is not a lack but an invitation that can be our greatest teacher. A daily awareness and appreciation of the quiet spaciousness in our world and our own lives is not a retreat from reality but a rich and full welcome to all that is most meaningful and real.
"This precious book is an extraordinary journey into silence and emptiness, one that touches all aspects of life and is revelatory."
-- Rev. Joan Jiko Halifax, abbot at Upaya Zen Center and author of Standing at the Edge
"I have one hand clapping (loudly) for Thomas Moore's eloquent and epicurean honoring of less, where even nothing can be plenty. This is not just a book but a crystalline conjuring of uncluttered consciousness, a compellingly lucid and often funny meditation on unsuspected portals to magic and freedom."
-- Bill Plotkin, author of Soulcraft and The Journey of Soul Initiation
"I read Thomas Moore's book on emptiness, and I found it very full. In The Eloquence of Silence, Moore shows us that emptiness doesn't mean nothing or that nothing matters; rather, it exposes the great expansive significance of everything. I like the effect the book has. It will surely benefit anyone who reads it and pays attention."
-- David Chadwick, author of Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki