The Executioner's Song follows the true story of cold-blooded murderer Gary Gilmore, who, after being tried and convicted, insisted on being executed for his crimes. To do so, he fought a system intent on keeping him alive long after it sentenced him to death.
Norman Mailer tells Gilmore's story with impressive authority and compassion. The Executioner's Song is a trip down the wrong side of the tracks, right into the heart of American loneliness and violence-it is impossible to put down and difficult to forget.
Dave Eggers is the award-winning and bestselling author of many books, including the National Book Award finalist A Hologram for the King, as well as books for younger readers including What Can a Citizen Do?, Her Right Foot, This Bridge Will Not Be Gray, and The Lifters. He is the founder of the independent publishing company McSweeney's and the nonprofit organization ScholarMatch, in addition to cofounding The International Congress of Youth Voices and 826 Valencia, which has inspired similar organizations worldwide. Eggers lives in Northern California.
Christian, husband of @pammalamma, homeschool dad of 4, Austin Realtor, author, chess enthusiast, ENFP, bibliophile, avid miniaturist, Dallas Cowboys fan
A couple of nights ago, I finished reading "The Executioner's Song" by Norman Mailer, which gives a lengthy and extremely detailed account of the life and death of convicted murdered Gary Gilmore. This book was the winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1980, the year after it was…
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#bookoftheday The Executioners Song by Norman Mailer Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 1980 National Book Critics Circle Fiction Award Finalist 1979 National Book Award for Fiction Hardback Finalist 1980 National Book Award for Fiction Paperback Finalist 1981
Historian and Author. I tweet facts that happened on This Day in History at 8:30 AM (GMT). it’s a daily journey to educate and entertain. I’m only on Twitter.
31 January 1929. Legendary US author and journalist, Norman Mailer, was born in Long Branch, New Jersey, USA. His novels include: The Naked and the Dead, An American Dream, and The Executioner’s Song. His non-fiction work includes The Fight and Oswald’s Tale: An American Mystery.