These tales are of ordinary but poignant beauty: at the pub, strangers regale each other with memories of Christmases past; lovers share tales over dinner about how they met, their former lovers, and each other; a woman even tells a story to her fourteen-year-old self.
As Smith explores the subtle links between what we know and what we feel, she creates an exuberant, masterly collection that is packed full of ideas, humor, nuance, and compassion. Ali Smith and the short story are made for each other.
"Deftly moving . . . brimming with poetic whimsy. . . . These tales are vibrant and poignant, as though deconstructing our compulsion to connect with one another were as easy as writing a story." --Elle
"[An] unsettling take on contemporary life. . . . Smith's style is terse and edgy. . . Provocative and enigmatic." --BookPage
"Always imaginative, deftly written, and often funny to a fault, The First Person and Other Stories is a dizzying collection of stories by a writer unafraid. . . . One of the best surprises for anyone with a penchant for stories where language is foremost."
--Steven Whitton, The Anniston Star (Alabama)
"The First Person and Other Stories target the romantic poseurs in all of us." --Vogue
"Everyone has their own tale to tell in this bangup collection. . . . At once quirky and compulsively readable, this collection puts a layered and enjoyable spin on the many forms of the short story."
--Publishers Weekly
"Intriguing. . . If Smith excels at creating, both in her stories and in her readers, a sense of eerie dislocation, she can also stir up an enchanting sense of whimsy." --Booklist
"Smartly constructed. . . . Compellingly quirky demonstrations of how our imaginations react to ordinary people and everyday occurrences. . . . Smith is an original observer of the blessings and curses of living inside one's imagination."
--Kirkus Reviews