"From the perspective of one who has taught theology on both sides of the Atlantic and has supervised many doctoral students from Asia, Hans Schwarz is in a unique position to assess current trends regarding church life, ecumenism, and mission. The Future of the Church is a welcome addition not only to the field of systematic theology but missiology as well as Schwarz articulates classical themes in ecclesiology while at the same time engaging critical issues confronting contemporary Christian churches of all stripes."
--John T. Pless, assistant professor of pastoral ministry and missions, Concordia Theological Seminary
"Hans Schwarz provides a clear-eyed analysis of the challenges facing today's church. By grounding the mission of the church today in the biblical and theological tradition of the past and guided by a vision of God's future, Schwarz reminds the church that its call is to be faithful, not successful. Church leaders, institutions, and congregations struggling to remain relevant in an increasingly secular context will welcome his discussion."
--Russell C. Kleckley, professor of religion emeritus, Augsburg University