Alongside this "historical interpretation" is Bruner's own contemporary interpretation, which incorporates a lucid translation of the text, references to recent scholarship, and his pastoral application of the Gospel to present-day experience. Like Bruner's other work, this commentary is rich in biblical insights, broadly historical, and deeply theological.
Here is what Eugene Peterson said about Bruner's earlier work on Matthew: "This is the kind of commentary I most want -- a theological wrestling with Scripture. Frederick Dale Bruner grapples with the text not only as a technical exegete (although he does that very well) but as a church theologian, caring passionately about what these words tell us about God and ourselves. His Matthew commentary is in the grand traditions of Augustine, Calvin, and Luther -- expansive and leisurely, loving the text, the people in it, and the Christians who read it." The same could well be said about the present John commentary, which promises to be another invaluable resource for pastors, teachers, and laypeople alike.
Gary M. Burge
-- Wheaton College and Graduate School
"For those who have treasured Dale Bruner's two-volume commentary on Matthew, the arrival of his commentary on John is yet another cause for celebration. After sifting the best contributions of leading commentators, Bruner adds his own unique wisdom and pastoral insight that are unmatched by any of the many John commentaries on my shelf. This will immediately become one of the favorite commentaries pastors reach for to find the essential ideas that will bring John's Gospel to modern audiences."
Marianne Meye Thompson
-- Fuller Theological Seminary
"In this masterful new commentary, Dale Bruner digs deep into the Gospel of John and the history of its interpretation, mining both ancient Greek words and the church's history of reading and studying them for their theological gold. Bruner's work is suffused with a love for the text, the passion of a theologian, the care of a scholar, and the mind and heart of a teacher. Marked by a strong commitment to the authority of the Word and a deep love for Christ and Christ's church, the commentary is a careful, creative, and compelling analysis of the Gospel of John that will both instruct and inspire."
Scott Hoezee
-- Director of the Center for Excellence in Preaching,
Calvin Theological Seminary
"Pastors know there are certain 'must-have' commentaries that help to make preaching vibrant, practical, and above all deeply biblical. Dale Bruner's Matthew commentaries have long been at the top of that 'must-have' list, and now, by God's grace, the list expands to include his masterful work on the Gospel of John. Bruner's lifetime of prayer, teaching, meditation, and study, distilled in these pages, will feed many lifetimes' worth of preaching in the church. What a gift!"
Theological Book Review
"The size and scope of this work reflects both a mushrooming interpretive interest in Johannine studies and the breadth of the author's concerns. The emphases of the commentary (which somehow seems too narrow a term for such a passionate work) includes textual hermeneutics, the reception history of the bible, theological reflection, homiletics, Missio Dei, discipleship and pastoral practice."
Religious Studies Review
"Preachers will find this commentary helpful in preparing sermons, as it is a rich source of historical references, anecdotes, parallel biblical passages, and alliterations suitable for developing sermon outlines."
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
"Helpful reflections of a homiletical and practical nature, a wide spectrum of representatives from historical theology, and an engaging writing style."
Trinity Journal
"For the pastor, Bible study leader, and person looking to understand the Gospel of John for personal devotion, I highly recommended Bruner's volume."
Bible Study Magazine
"The book appeals to a range of readers; it interacts with the original language and other major modern commentators, yet it is also pastoral and devotional as Bruner offers ways to apply the text to the present day, including examples from his own experience."
Review of Biblical Literature
"This commentary is an easy-to-use aid for the sermon writer and will serve as a great resource for use in Bible studies, as well as a general resource on the Gospel of John."