"Alexander's account of his own rise from humble beginnings to produce contributions to both cosmology and jazz is as interesting as the marvelous connections he posits between jazz and physics."--Publishers Weekly
"I'll forever be grateful to musician/physicist Stephon Alexander.... He'll help you see how our awe-inspiring universe is on a never-ending, cosmological riff."--Felix Contreras, NPR, "Best Books of 2016"
"Interwoven with solid physics and personal anecdotes, the book does an admirable job of bringing together modern jazz and modern physics."--Physics World, Shortlisted for "Book of the Year (2016)"
"In the most engaging chapters of this book -- part memoir, part history of science, part physics popularization and part jazz lesson -- Dr. Alexander ventures far out onto the cutting edge of modern cosmology, presenting a compelling case for vibration and resonance being at the heart of the physical structure we find around us, from the smallest particle of matter to the largest clusters of galaxies.... His report on the state of research into the structure and history of the universe -- his own academic field -- makes for compelling reading, as does his life story."--Dan Tepfer, New York Times
"[Alexander] gives an engaging account of his uncertainties and worries as he made his way in the highly competitive world of theoretical physics, seeking to acquire the 'chops' needed to deal with the formidable mathematics of his day job along with those needed to solo on the sax after dark.... Mr. Alexander's rhapsodic excitement is infectious."--Peter Pesic, Wall Street Journal
"Marvelous."--New Scientist
"The book's attempt to bring together modern jazz and modern physics strikes me as admirable.... It is an intriguing comparison, and it certainly seems fresher than drawing analogies between classical music and classical physics.... Time to put on some Coltrane and riff some new research ideas?--Trevor Cox, Physics World
"Groundbreaking.... [Alexander] illustrates his points with colorful examples, ranging from the Big Bang to the eye of a galactic hurricane."--Down Beat