In The Last Nail in Jezebel's Coffin, pastor Stephen Gentry shares a collection of sermons that have touched many lives. Some of the sermon titles are The Last Nail in Jezebel's Coffin, Harmless Doves, Bad Decisions in Times of Distress, A Schism in the Body, Savagery in the Safety Zone, Ichabod's Brother, plus six other unique sermon titles.
In the sermon titled, When a Physician Needs a Miracle, Bro. Gentry shares the testimony of his wife's battle with cancer and the tremendous hope that the Great Physician has given them.
These sermons will bless you and will grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This book of sermons by Bro. Steve Gentry demonstrates his ability to study the Bible, arrange the material in a structured and logical way, and proclaim the truth of God's Word firmly and fairly.
If you are a preacher, you will be blessed by these sermons and may even rework them into your style and preach them yourself.
If you are a layperson, you will be blessed by these sermons, for if you will not only "hear" but obey, you will grow in knowledge and in your experience with the Lord Jesus Christ.
These sermons present great Doctrinal content, including preaching about Prayer, Redemption, Holiness, and the Gifts of the Spirit. They also present great practical content, including preaching about Home and Family, the local Church, a believer's business ethics, and a Christian's influence, to name a few.
Finally, these sermons are replete with great personal experiences and interesting illustrations like windows, letting in the light of understanding.
As you read, let the Spirit of God speak to you personally and be willing to obey what the Holy Ghost says.
Bro. Dwain Galiher