Uta Frith is Professor of Cognitive Development and Deputy Director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College, London. She has researched developmental disorders for more than 30 years. She is a leading authority on autism and dyslexia and has gained prestigious prizes and honorary doctorates. She is the author of well known books on autism and Asperger syndrome. Her work has led to greater awareness of disorders of cognitive and social development with a basis in the brain.
"This upbeat, fast paced review of brain research is a must read. It has a large canvass and a big point - when it comes to learning, it's all about the brain."
Michael S. Gazzaniga, David T. McLaughlin Distinguished University Professor, Dartmouth College
"This is an exciting, readable and compelling account of how the workings of the brain shape both formal and informal learning."
Kathy Sylva, Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Oxford
"Sarah Blakemore and Uta Frith have written a highly accessible survey of the many links between brain science and education. They do a beautiful job of summarizing many recent and exciting discoveries in neuroscience, brain imaging, and psychology, from sleep to dyslexia, autism or attention deficits. Teaching will always be something of an art - but the teachers who read The Learning Brain will know much more about the science behind it. This book should be read by all educators, students and parents who want to understand how the brain changes during learning, and what can be done to ground educational practices on a sound basis in psychology and neuroscience." Stanislas Dehaene, INSERM Cognitive Neuroimaging Research Unit, Paris
"It [The Learning Brain: Lessons for Education] is rich with facts, yet easily accessible to the general reader. While sending a positive and encouraging message about the relevance of neuroscience to the classroom, its tone is responsible and not exaggerated. The book is packed with details of cutting-edge research, presented in a lively manner with care to avoid excessive detail.
Nature Neuroscience, October 2005
"The material is well presented, and much of it is fascinating in its own right. Anyone interested in the workings of the brain can profit from reading this book."
PsycCRITIQUES, October 2005
"The Learning Brain should become compulsory reading for everyone who is involved in educational practice and policy because it by no means raises unrealistic hopes, or - like some other popular books in this field - give more or less trivial advice about 'brain-appropriate' learning. It also helps in the understanding of what might have gone wrong in the brains of learners who, for example, have persistent reading difficulties despite schooling, or who fail to grasp advanced mathematical and scientific concepts."
Trends in Cognitive Science, December 2005
"This is a very readable account of the findings of brain research and will appeal to a wide variety of readers . . . Readers, whether they be members of the general public who have an interest in how the brain works, people working within education or new researchers will be amazed by the findings of brain research and will want to find out more."
Education in the North