The Lost Decade, 2010-2020
Kurt Kallini, the face of 9/11 terrorism for The Brotherhood in the Middle East, got picked up by the CIA shortly after the Twin Towers fell. He was flown for extra-rendition to Egypt with the ageless pyramids in view till the day he died. Then for interrogation he was tortured in the hot sun and grueling conditions till his epilepsy returned and he spilled his guts. Crippled at Gitmo he lost his ability to walk at all. He lost his daughter Carma's teen years. Come home to a house on Haight Avenue a block over from where Carma attended Vassar College, he lost everything but his need for revenge upon the Bush-Cheney Republicans who blamed him for their 9/11 ignorance. During this Lost Decade for him and others following the Iraq War, Katrina, and the Great Recession, his half-sister asked him to teach the classics to her special Bennet School girls. Kady Bontecott already hired David Morpheys to teach American lit to her female group. Together Kurt and David taught Western literature till the special group of girls graduated in 2019. Kurt had his revenge on his Gitmo torturers, the Bush-Cheney Republicans, with his backing of Justin King, elected president in 2016 till the 2020 Covid year when death came to Kurt Kallini.