A fabulous "lost masterpiece" becomes the ultimate prize--for an art historian whose ambition consumes everyone around her, an angry young painter with a plan for revenge on the art establishment, and a desperate gallery owner who may have double-crossed his own life away. Behind the elegance and glamour of the art world, anything goes--theft, forgery, betrayal, and maybe even murder. . . .
"Gripping." --The New York Times
"Follett really knows how to tell a story." --The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
"Follett is a master of crafty plot and incredible detail." --Time
"The man tells a story so well. . . . Follett can make things glow with some beautifully written episodes." --St. Louis Post-Dispatch
"Follett is a master." --The Washington Post
"Few authors deliver as consistently as Follett." --Pittsburgh Press
"A major talent." --Booklist