Franklin M. Loew Dean of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University A marvelously informative book. I know of no more complete source on the newest scientific findings than "The Nature of Horses." The reader who invests in this book will be amply rewarded by an unsurpassed understanding -- in modem terms -- of the horse.
Mary Anne Grimmell President, International Arabian Horse Association An entertaining, provocative and educational view of the evolution and domestication of "the horse."
Professor David Grene Unversity of Chicago Horse Trainer, Member -- Cornwall Hounds This is a wonderful book, of the greatest value for the imaginative understanding of the horse on the part of those of us who train and use it, and the far greater number of those who love and admire.
Stanley Coren Professor of Psychology, University of British Columbia Author -- "The intelligence of Dogs" Few books on horses consider what is going on in the animal's mind. This book provides insights into how horses think, what their level of intelligence is, and how they approach and solve problems. It also demonstrates that horses experience complex feelings such as anger, fear, or affection, and shows how you can read what a horse's emotional state is from its behavior.
Julie Krone Jockey, Author -- "Riding for My Life" Dedicated and devoted horse lovers have waited for a book that gives thorough, authoritative information on the horse. Detailed, yet understandable, this book tells you why horses do what they do and provides fascinating insights on how horses think. If a horse came with a translator, this book would be it.