I've been waiting for someone to articulate what the brilliant Courtney Martin has done in The New Better Off. The book poses a question that I believe is critical to our families, our culture, our nation: What does it mean and who gets to determine what a good life, a safe life, a happy life and generous life looks like? And how did we get to this place where to be well-off means to be constantly busy and tired and distracted, disconnected from our families and communities? I hope everyone reads this book and examines what matters most in their lives, and in the life of our society.
Elizabeth Lesser, author Marrow and Broken Open, and cofounder of Omega Institute
"The New Better Off is essential to understanding how to have a better life and a new and better you. Too many of us are sick and tired of the 9-5 grind, of having to fall in line, of seeing success as a purely individual pursuit; Martin shows that there is another way.
Richard Florida, author, Rise of the Creative Class
"In times of great disruption we are forced to question everything. Courtney Martin has taken this to heart and challenges us to reassess, rethink and reinvent the very notion of what a good life might be. The New Better Off is an invaluable source of insight and inspiration for those wishing to embark on one of post-consumer society s most important projects."
Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO and author of Change By Design
"When a moment and a voice align perfectly, you get a book like The New Better Off. Courtney Martin reimagines success and purpose in ways counterintuitive and wise. This is our future speaking the language of our ancestors. Listen closely.
Eric Liu, founder and CEO, Citizen University
"We all know that money can't buy peace, kindness or honestyin the Age of Trump, what could be more clear? Courtney Martin is a practical and lyrical explorer in showing us how money as the only measure of "better off" has failed us, and what is needed to create a new American Dream for us and the next generation. Never has there been a more timely and livable book."
Gloria Steinem
"This book encapsulates a huge idea: That our dreams of individual success are in urgent need of an upgrade. Courtney Martin makes the case with extraordinary eloquence anchored in beautiful personal stories. If you're depressed about the current state of America, she offers a powerful antidote."
Chris Anderson, CEO of TED
Courtney Martin, who s less than half my age, has been a mentor to me for nearly a decade. In 2008, when her second book came out, I called her one of our most insightful culture critics and finest young writers. With The New Better Off, I m doubling down on that praise. Telling compelling real-life stories backed by carefully researched factsall of it couched in her beautifully readable proseMartin reframes what it means to live a good life in ways that offer her generation and mine much-needed inspiration and practical guidance.
Parker J. Palmer, author of Let Your Life Speak, A Hidden Wholeness,
and Healing the Heart of Democracy
Unabashed, provocative, and deeply soulful, Courtney Martin is the prophet you didn t know you were seeking. In The New Better Off, she offers a blueprint for living that s radically different from the one you grew up with. Whether or not you agree with all its details, its spirit will inspire you to examine your lifeand if you don t like what you find there, give you the courage to rebuild.
Susan Cain, co-founder of Quiet Revolution and New York Times bestselling author of QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can t Stop Talking
"Courtney and I are on parallel tracks! The New Better Off beautifully articulates a powerful vision of reinvention. My message to low-status American communities has always been: You don't have to move out of your neighborhood to live in a better one. Measuring success by how far we get from our communities leaves a subtle form of destruction in its wake. With this book, Martin presents the profound, impactful alternatives with spirit and verve. A focus on success, filtered through the metrics of The New Better Off, makes it a little easier for the next generation to see their success in you.
-- Majora Carter, Urban Revitalization Strategy Consultant"