An empowerment-focused keepsake edition of one of the world's best-loved picture books
40 years. 7 million copies. 1 kick-ass princess who has inspired generations of readers to stand up for themselves.
How do you celebrate an occasion as special as 40 years in print for a book as beloved as The Paper Bag Princess? You track down some of the most poignant commentary about the story; you share behind-the-scenes insights from the author and his partner; and you present it all in a beautiful package that showcases the story like never before.
To mark The Paper Bag Princess's 40th anniversary, Annick has done just this, creating a gift-worthy deluxe hardcover featuring extra thick paper, a beautiful dust jacket, and a hidden second cover that reimagines the original cover imagery, plus commentary from renowned authors Francesca Segal (The Innocents) and Chelsea Clinton (She Persisted). Publishing in time for International Women's Day in March, this gorgeous edition celebrates an enduring story that has had a profound effect on countless readers around the world.
"One of my children's favourites was always Robert Munsch's The Paper Bag Princess .... There is nothing more subversively empowering than reciting from memory those great last lines, when the enterprising Princess Elizabeth rescues the ghastly and feeble Prince Ronald from the dragon - and then dumps him: "'You look like a nice guy, but guess what? You are a bum.' And they didn't get married after all." There's power for you, in a nutshell.
"I will always be grateful for Elizabeth's bravery, and for the way she shows us that dragons can be defeated, that we can rescue ourselves, and that we don't need to sacrifice our kindness or goodness to do so."
"This is deeply satisfying to the children I read it to, and to me as an adult as well. She's clever, she's brave and she refuses to subordinate herself. The well placed use of the word "bum" adds a nice bit of levity to the ending."
"If ever there were a book with the most perfect plot twist, this could be it . . . This princess tale is short and sweet and funny and empowers young girls to be true to themselves . . . a classic picture book that packs a real punch to the "princess" genre!"
"I will read [The Paper Bag Princess] to [my daughters] and I hope over time that they will learn Princess Elizabeth's lessons: Adventure and be fearless. Stand up to dragons. Defend yourself with all you have. Walk away from any man who treats you with disrespect. You, yourself, alone, are enough, and more than enough."
"Best. Book. Ever."