It was the storm of the century, boasting waves over one hundred feet high--a tempest created by so rare a combination of factors that meteorologists deemed it "the perfect storm." In a book that has become a classic, Sebastian Junger explores the history of the fishing industry, the science of storms, and the candid accounts of the people whose lives the storm touched. The Perfect Storm is a real-life thriller that makes us feel like we've been caught, helpless, in the grip of a force of nature beyond our understanding or control.
Winner of the American Library Association's 1998 Alex Award.
I study communities and teach you how they work. This week's newsletter: How to Engineer Serendipity 👉…
2. Tribe by Sebastian Junger Junger (who also wrote The Perfect Storm) provides a powerful perspective on community through the perspective of combat veterans. The strongest communities are formed amongst groups of people experiencing intense adversity.
Senior editor, Lawfare. Journalist published in Yahoo Finance, Air Mail, ProPublica, NYT, New York, New Yorker, Fortune, etc. Also rparloff on Threads.
so that's potentially a lot. He's an interesting guy, too. His documentary reporting partner is often Sebastian Junger (author of The Perfect Storm). He's also made videos with, e.g., Dr. Dre, Ice Cube & Snoop Dog. His film production co., Goldcrest Films, has ... /6
A division of @SimonSchuster, publishing the best fiction & nonfiction. On Instagram: Facebook:
For #FathersDay - "Freedom" by @sebastianjunger, A profound rumination on the concept of freedom from the 'New York Times' bestselling author of 'Tribe,' 'War,' 'The Perfect Storm.' More: