-- Peter C. Hodgson, "Religious Studies Review"
" These lectures may provide the best entrà © e into Habermas's thought for non-specialists of any of his writings." --Peter C. Hodgson, "Religious Studies Review"
" Destined to be the most widely discussed intervention into the increasingly heated controversy over the apparent transition from modernity to postmodernity, Habermas's latest major effort is certain to raise the level of the debate several notches." --Martin Jay
& quot; These lectures may provide the best entr& Atilde; & copy; e into Habermas's thought for non-specialists of any of his writings.& quot; -- Peter C. Hodgson, Religious Studies Review
& quot; Destined to be the most widely discussed intervention into the increasingly heated controversy over the apparent transition from modernity to postmodernity, Habermas's latest major effort is certain to raise the level of the debate several notches.& quot; -- Martin Jay
"These lectures may provide the best entrA(c)e into Habermas's thought for non-specialists of any of his writings." --Peter C. Hodgson, "Religious Studies Review"
"Destined to be the most widely discussed intervention into the increasingly heated controversy over the apparent transition from modernity to postmodernity, Habermas's latest major effort is certain to raise the level of the debate several notches."--Martin Jay
"These lectures may provide the best entra(c)e into Habermas's thought for non-specialists of any of his writings."--Peter C. Hodgson, "Religious Studies Review"