Carter has captured the essence . . . in an easily readable, remarkably insightful biography of both Wallace and 'Wallaceism, ' recreating how the man and his movement 'to stand up for America' reshaped the language and limits of today's American political system."-- "Philadelphia Inquirer"
Carter builds a compelling, well-documented argument to the effect that Wallace's presence catalyzed the emergence in the late 1960s of a 'New American Majority on the foundation of the conservative South.' . . . A stimulating political biography, solidly researched and vividly presented.-- "New York Times"
Carter's life of Wallace is, by long odds, the finest of those written about the Alabamian- who-would-be-president; indeed, it is one of the finest political biographies of this or any other year. . . . A superb social and political history of Alabama and the Deep South in the 1950s and 1960s.-- "Los Angeles Times Book Review"