"I never met Tom Savage but we corresponded and spoke on the telephone several times after he contacted me saying he had read my short story 'Brokeback Mountain.' At that time I did not know this writer's books and he was kind enough to send me a copy of Power of the Dog which I read with dawning realization that here was a fine western writer whose work had been overlooked, perhaps because of homophobic prejudice."--Annie Proulx
"A masterpiece...Were there justice in the world, we would all have read Savage's modern classic in high school."--Bonnie Johnson, Los Angeles Times
"A rich and challenging psychodrama...with echoes of East of Eden and Brokeback Mountain."--Peter Beech, The Guardian
"Savage writes like thunder and lightning...Some books are like aquifers under the desert. They rest patiently, bubbling up in springs when we most need them."--Susan Salter Reynolds, Los Angeles Times
"A pitch-perfect evocation of time and place...Savage is a master of narrative technique."--Amanda Heller, Boston Globe
"Thomas Savage is a writer of the first order, and he possesses in abundance the novelist's highest art-the ability to illuminate and move."--The New Yorker
"Thomas Savage is a writer of real consequence...a masterful novelist."--Jonathan Yardley, Washington Post
"The Power of the Dog offers so many pleasures readers will be forgiven if they do not immediately notice that it also engages the grandest themes-among them, the dynamics of the family, the varieties of loves, and the ethos of the American West. Put simply, The Power of the Dog is a masterpiece."--Larry Watson, author of Montana 1948