Praise for "The Rage and Bone Shop of the Heart"
"A splendid, robust collection of world poetry from Hesiod and Heraclitus to the present...The editors, leaders of the men's movement, have used these poems in weekend retreats; they stress the old traditions of spoken poetry. The collection is organized into 16 sections dealing with men's issues such as war, love, fatherhood, communication and denial".
-- "St. Louis Post Dispatch"
"The stories in this book--though emerging from the editors' men's work--can be equally important to women. The book works well for those new to and unfamiliar with poetry and for experienced readers. These poems are lively, rather than dull; the editors help us by putting them into a useful context".
-- "Man!"
"[The editors'] collaboration resulted in a book with a remarkable group of poets across the ages, from Emily Dickinson to Charles Bukowski, from Catullus to Bob Dylan...These are poems focusing on concerns of the heart--fathers and sons, love and hurt, peace and war, anger, denial and zaniness".
-- "Seattle Post"
Robert Bly's books of poetry include The Night Abraham Called to the Stars and My Sentence Was a Thousand Years of Joy. His awards include the National Book Award for poetry and two Guggenheims. He lived in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
"[The editors'] collaboration resulted in a book with a remarkable group of poets across the ages, from Emily Dickinson to Charles Bukowski, from Catullus to Bob Dylan...These are poems focusing on concerns of the heart-fathers and sons, love and hurt, peace and war, anger, denial and zaniness." -- Seattle Post
"The stories in this book-though emerging from the editors' men's work-can be equally important to women. The book works well for those new to and unfamiliar with poetry and for experenced readers. These poems are lively, rather than dull; the editors help us by putting them into a useful context." -- Man!
"A splendid, robust collection of world poetry from Hesiod and Heraclitus to the present...The editors, leaders of the men's movement, have used these poesm in weekend retreats; they stress the old traditions of spoken poetry. The collection is organized into 16 sections dealing with men's issues such as war, love, fatherhood, communication and denial." -- St. Louis Post Dispatch