Praise for Blue Lily, Lily Blue: * "Blue Lily, Lily Blue is, simply, a triumph." -- Booklist, starred review* "Expect this truly one-of-a-kind series to come to a thundering close." -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review* "We have not yet finished loving these characters and exploring their world." -- The Bulletin, starred review* "Stiefvater's razor-sharp characterizations, drily witty dialogue, and knack for unexpected metaphors and turns of phrase make for sumptuous, thrilling reading.... Readers will snap up the final installment the second it's available." -- Publishers Weekly, starred review* "The prose is crisp and dazzling and the dialogue positively crackles." -- School Library Journal, starred reviewPraise for The Dream Thieves: * "Richly written and filled with figurative language... this story of secrets and dreams, of brothers and of all-too-real magic is an absolute marvel of imagination and an irresistible invitation to wonder." -- Booklist, starred review* "Mind-blowingly spectacular... Stiefvater's careful exploration of class and wealth and their limitations and opportunities astounds with its sensitivity and sophistication. The pace is electric, the prose marvelously sure-footed and strong, but it's the complicated characters . . . that meld magic and reality into an engrossing, believable whole." -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review* "A paranormal thriller... this installment [is] more tense and foreboding than its predecessor -- and every bit as gripping." -- Publishers Weekly, starred review* "A complex web of magical intrigue and heartstopping action." -- The Bulletin, starred review* "Readers who want a moody chill and appreciate an atmospheric turn of phrase will want to spend more time in Henrietta." -- School Library Journal, starred reviewPraise for The Raven Boys: "Stiefvater is a master storyteller." -- USA Today"A dizzying paranormal romance tinged with murder and Welsh mythology." -- The Los Angeles Times* "Simultaneously complex and simple, compulsively readable, marvelously wrought." -- Kirkus Reviews, starred review* "A tour de force... such a memorable read." -- Publishers Weekly, starred review* "One unexpected and wonderful surprise after another... a marvel of imagination." -- Booklist, starred review* "The Raven Boys is an incredibly rich and unique tale, a supernatural thriller of a different flavor... Fans have been salivating for Stiefvater's next release and The Raven Boys delivers." -- School Library Journal, starred review"Equal parts thriller and mystery, with a measured dash of romance sprinkled on top... Maggie has woven such a unique, intriguing narrative that I struggled for comparisons." -- MTV.comA Publishers Weekly Best Book of the YearThe Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books 2012 Blue Ribbons list