"Lively, amusing...done to a turn!"--Kirkus Reviews
A fateful mistake...
When Elinor Rochdale boards the wrong coach, she ends up not at her prospective employer's home but at the estate of Eustace Cheviot, a dissipated and ruined young man on the verge of death.
A momentous decision...
His cousin, Mr Ned Carlyon, persuades Elinor to marry Eustace as a simple business arrangement. By morning, Elinor is a rich widow, but finds herself embroiled with an international spy ring, housebreakers, uninvited guests, and murder. And Mr Carlyon won't let her leave ...
What readers are saying about The Reluctant Widow
"Delightful and purely entertaining. The plot involves comedy, intrigue, espionage, cloaks and daggers, and things going bump in the night - served with a sauce of witty repartee that is the Heyer hallmark. Unforgettable."
"One of my favorites!"
"A delightfully funny and mysterious romp."
"Reading Georgette Heyer is the next best thing to reading Jane Austen." -- Publisher's Weekly
Georgette Heyer's novels have charmed and delighted millions of readers for decades. English Heritage has awarded Georgette Heyer one of their prestigious Blue Plaques, designating her Wimbledon home as the residence of an important figure in British history. She was born in Wimbledon in August 1902. She wrote her first novel, The Black Moth, at the age of seventeen to amuse her convalescent brother; it was published in 1921 and became an instant success.
Heyer published 56 books over the next 53 years, until her death from lung cancer in 1974. Her last book, My Lord John, was published posthumously in 1975. A very private woman, she rarely reached out to the public to discuss her works or personal life. Her work included Regency romances, mysteries and historical fiction. Known as the Queen of Regency romance, Heyer was legendary for her research, historical accuracy and her extraordinary plots and characterizations. She was married to George Ronald Rougier, a barrister, and they had one son, Richard.
Author of George & Lizzie: A Novel, the Book Lust series, & co-author of The Writer's Library; TV=Book Lust on @seattlechannel; email: admin@nancypearl.com
I love this quote from Georgette Heyer's The Reluctant Widow: ‘Once a performing bear had entered Nicky’s orbit the rest was inevitable.' https://t.co/qz2m2oivjQ