So-called liberalism has been twisted out of shape by both the left- and right-wing who incorrectly conceive of it in ideological terms, without understanding what a liberal philosophy really entails. In untangling these misconceptions, Wooldridge reveals why the world desperately needs to adopt a proper liberal mindset.
The cycles of history predict that without a return to liberalism, we face autocracy, fascism, and the societal stratification already visible in the world's structures of opposition: populists versus elitists, the ultra-woke versus the steadfastly traditional, and capitalist-triumphalists against capitalist-catastrophists. A call to arms amidst American economic stagnation and the global censorship of information, Adrian's new book guides us through liberalism's intellectual, cultural, and political histories to remind us of the true liberal's values: freedom through self-determinism, individual rights, healthy skepticism, thoughtful tolerance, and aversion to dogmatism.
Adrian diagnoses areas of necessary improvement for today's passive liberals, who would do well to embody the flexible, moderate, and critical approaches of their Cold War predecessors. The West's success against Communist totalitarianism came from recognizing the need for a strong military defense while using open communication to explain what the West was defending. This energy must be applied to our understanding of overseas regimes and of Western capitalism at home.
To avoid global catastrophe and uphold intellectual freedom and privacy, we must learn from the liberal past and look ahead, critiquing the structures we find ourselves in and those further afield
"This book snaps, crackles and pops. Three themes are highlighted--productivity as the measure of economic progress; the 'Siamese twins of creation and destruction' as the sources of productivity growth; and the political reaction to the consequences of creative destruction. Readers will emerge from this heady blend of economic, business, and political history with a sense of exhilaration that so much of the American experience could be described so vividly and insightfully."-- "Financial Times, one of the Best Books of the Year"
"Unfailingly entertaining, effortlessly drawing on a wealth of anecdote and statistics."-- "The Times Literary Supplement"
"This is an important, fascinating and superbly written book. The Aristocracy of Talent pulls the rug out from under the current assault on meritocracy. How quickly we forget that reformers struggled for centuries to displace the privilege of birth with merit-based judgments. Does the assault on core values leave you at a loss for words? Read this book."--Philip K. Howard, author of The Death of Common Sense