*Slyly humorous, starkly thought-provoking, passionate, and compassionate--and impeccably written to boot: not to be missed. -- "Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review"
*Bow continually yanks the rug out from under readers, defying expectations as she crafts a masterly story with a diverse cast, shocking twists, and gut-punching emotional moments. -- "Publishers Weekly, starred review"
*Masterful, electric prose... Bow delivers a knockout dystopian novel that readers will devour with their hearts in their mouths.-- "School Library Journal, Starred Review"
Bow has crafted a true sci-fi narrative around the AI premise, utilizing an imaginative world and well-developed characters. Through Greta's conflicts, the author explores what it means to be human.-- "Booklist"
This is a smart, compelling read that explores the complicated nature of love, family, peace, war, and technology; fans of Johnson's Summer Prince and Collins's Hunger Games who are searching for an empowering and intelligent read-alike need look no further.-- "The Horn Book Magazine"
This is fearfully superlative storytelling- electrical tension crackles in every elegant word. The finest fiction I'veread this year.--Elizabeth Wein, author of Code Name Verity
"Bow's amoral artificial intelligence overlordis one of my favorite characters in a while."-- "Maggie Stiefvater, author of The Raven Boys"
"In Fairy Tales, princesses are always worried about who they are going to marry. Greta is more concerned with her responsibilities as a future head of state. Erin Bow's Greta is my kind of Princess."-- "Megan Whalen Turner, author of The Thief"
"The Scorpion Rules is one of the most inventive, devious, exciting and thoroughly enjoyable books I've read in years. Very highly recommended!"-- "Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of ROT & RUIN and THE NIGHTSIDERS"
"Clever and unexpected, THE SCORPION RULES is a game-changing novel about the consequence of war and the brutality of peace. Unforgettable!"-- "Suzanne Young, New York Times bestselling author of The Program series"
Elegant world-building, white-knuckle plot, and wonderful characters make The Scorpion Rules an extraordinary tale. I couldn't put it down.-- "V.E. Schwab, author of A Darker Shade of Magic"
Bow's vision ofour apocalypse is stark, beautiful and terrifying. This is my favouritebook.-- "EK Johnston, author of The Story of Owen"
I don't know which is more delicious, the storytelling or the villain.-- "Tone Almhjell, author of The Twistrose Key"
"THE SCORPION RULESis a bloody, breath-taking, beautiful book... As a fellow craftsperson I'm leftin awe, and as a reader I'm left feeling transformed."-- "Zoe Marriott, author of The Name of the Blade series"